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Dear M.,
I was emotionally distraught after my last relationship ended because I was alone for the first time in years. Because of your adorable and bubbly personality, I recovered quickly from this breakup. That personality of yours, combined with the fact that you're beautiful and intelligent, made me quickly fall in love with you.
I woke up one day and told my friend I was beginning to have feelings for you. Because we are so dissimilar, my friend initially thought I was joking but then began to support me. I was too nervous to invite you to the fair, and you probably wouldn't have gone anyway if I had.I did my best to entice you, and you motivated me to work harder than I ever had before to match your level of achievement. I believed we grew closer as we spent time together, so I went out of my way to make sure we had more time together, and this time was truly special to me.
When November rolled around, I knew I had to invite you to homecoming because it was my one and only chance to make you mine. So I made a poster to make sure you'd say yes to me, asked you, and everything worked out perfectly; I was the happiest I could be.That homecoming night was fantastic; holding hands and dancing all night, I thought a relationship was on the way.
Then, a few days later, I asked you, and you said you just wanted to remain friends, and I've felt broken inside ever since.
I'm slowly getting better, but I don't think I've ever had such strong feelings for someone in my life. I tried pursuing other girls, going on dates with them, and talking about them in front of you to make you jealous, but you didn't care, and I couldn't bring myself to develop feelings for anyone else.
Then you started drifting away from me, dropping out of the one class we shared, avoiding me entirely, and refusing to speak to me. I figured this was the end and I could finally move on now that I wouldn't have to see you again, fantastic, the person who made me feel the best and worst I'd ever felt was no longer in my life.
I must thank you, however, because in my pursuit of imitating your level of achievement, I have transformed myself into a better person who is most likely going to get into an Ivy League School, and perhaps I will be lucky enough to follow you to MIT.
Then you went back to my lessons and began chatting with me again; what are you doing to me?
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