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Writer's pictureStephen Wick

New Castle, Indiana Former Police Lieutenant Indicted for Federal Civil Rights Violation and Obstruction of Justice

The incident was quickly reported by the other officers involved, prompting the Indiana State Police to initiate an independent criminal investigation. During a subsequent meeting with the State Police investigator, Strong provided a false narrative of the event, downplaying his use of force while exaggerating the threat posed by the suspect.

A federal jury found a former police lieutenant from New Castle, Indiana, guilty last Friday on several charges of excessive force against individuals in custody, along with one count of obstructing justice through witness tampering.

According to the Justice Department's press release, Court documents and trial evidence revealed that Aaron Jason Strong, 47, while serving as a lieutenant at the New Castle Police Department, physically assaulted a suspect and two pretrial detainees, and provided misleading statements to an Indiana State Police detective investigating the allegations against him.

“Aaron Strong is a repeat offender who defied his oath and abused his law enforcement authority to violently and unlawfully assault multiple individuals,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “This defendant put his fellow officers in danger and grievously injured people in his custody, whose wellbeing and rights he had a legal and moral duty to protect. Strong betrayed the law enforcement profession when he told lie after lie in an effort to cover up his crimes and derail an independent investigation. This unanimous jury verdict makes clear a core principle in our country – law enforcement officers are not above the law and will be held accountable for their crimes.”

The evidence indicated that in August 2019, then-Lieutenant Strong responded to a report from another officer regarding a foot chase. Upon his arrival, the suspect had already ceased fleeing, raised his hands, declared “I’m done,” and lowered himself to the ground. As another officer moved in to apprehend the suspect, Strong charged forward and struck him with a metal police baton at least 12 times, nearly hitting a fellow officer in the process.

The incident was quickly reported by the other officers involved, prompting the Indiana State Police to initiate an independent criminal investigation. During a subsequent meeting with the State Police investigator, Strong provided a false narrative of the event, downplaying his use of force while exaggerating the threat posed by the suspect.

In July 2017, evidence revealed that Strong, serving as the commanding officer of the Henry County, Indiana, SWAT Team, mistreated two men held in pretrial detention at the Henry County Transition Center, a low-security facility associated with the county jail. The SWAT Team had been called in to help jail staff transfer a few inmates who had become intoxicated from contraband alcohol to the main jail.

While inside the Transition Center, Strong violently stomped on the head of a detainee who was following orders to lie down. Moments later, he approached another inmate who was kneeling and unresponsive and shot him at close range with a less-lethal “beanbag” round, fully aware that such a shot could lead to serious injury or even death. The force of the impact resulted in a fractured spine for the detainee.

“Law enforcement officers put their lives on the line every day to serve our communities. Their jobs are difficult, dangerous and noble,” said U.S. Attorney Zachary A. Myers for the Southern District of Indiana. “Aaron Strong is not noble. He repeatedly and unlawfully abused his position of authority to inflict violence, injury and pain — with no lawful justification. He then lied to cover it up. Our community deserves better. Together with our partners at the Justice Department, the FBI and Indiana State Police, our federal prosecutors will continue to seek accountability for police who illegally assault those they are sworn to protect.”

A number of current and former law enforcement officials from New Castle and Henry County provided testimony for the prosecution.

Strong was found guilty on three counts of violating rights under the color of law and one count of witness tampering. His co-defendant, who is also his nephew, was acquitted of one count of witness tampering.

The investigation was carried out by the FBI's Indianapolis Field Office and the Indiana State Police, with support from the New Castle Police Department.

"When those who are sworn to protect the public instead use excessive force it destroys trust in law enforcement and perpetuates fear,” said Special Agent in Charge Herbert J. Stapleton of the FBI Indianapolis Field Office. “The FBI will continue to ensure those abusing their power will be investigated and held accountable.”



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